ASHEVILLE TREEHOUSE BUILDER: Panthertown treehouse: Looking down on paradise
Adam and Erin, World Treehouses founders, enjoy a free day after our team’s completion of a recent wilderness project. Looking down on the lush forest and whitewater stream below, a sense of wonder and contentment comes over us. We have built a masterpiece in the trees that will serve our clients for many years of enjoyment and retreat. Do you want your own retreat in the trees? Explore our website for more photos by this Asheville treehouse builder, and contact us for a site visit to see if you have the right trees for your own tree house.

>View photos of our recently completed Panthertown Valley treehouse that’s on the same property as the swimming hole access project. The mountains of North Carolina are a perfect place for your treehouse!
>Learn about our process for building a project.
World Treehouses is an Asheville-based builder of treehouses, tree platforms, rope and suspension bridges, and other tree-centered projects.
Want a tree house in the Asheville NC area or beyond? Get in touch.